
Familiarity with bubble tip anemone and its care guide

Introduction: The Bubble Tip Anemone (BTA) is a member of the sea anemone family, which is a group of aquatic predatory animals in the Anthozoa category, Hexacorallia subfamily and the Actiniaria genus. They are close relatives of marine c...

Familiarity with bubble tip anemone and its care guide

Introduction: The Bubble Tip Anemone (BTA) is a member of the sea anemone family, which is a group of aquatic predatory animals in the Anth...

Familiarity with Star Polyp and its care guide in the reef aquarium

  Star polyp is a soft coral with compressed colony structure that is composed of several identical polyps. These animals are a combination of living coral polyps and a coexisting single-celled microalga called Zooxanthellae. Each po...

Familiarity with Star Polyp and its care guide in the reef aquarium

  Star polyp is a soft coral with compressed colony structure that is composed of several identical polyps. These animals are a combinatio...

Keeping Neocaridina shrimps in home aquariums

Neocaridina shrimp are a species of ornamental freshwater shrimp that are originated from Taiwan. In nature, the specie exists in two main colors of green and brown. By selective breeding colors such as red, yellow, orange, green, blue and bla...

Keeping Neocaridina shrimps in home aquariums

Neocaridina shrimp are a species of ornamental freshwater shrimp that are originated from Taiwan. In nature, the specie exists in two main colo...