Neocaridina shrimp are a species of ornamental freshwater shrimp that are originated from Taiwan. In nature, the specie exists in two main colors of green and brown. By selective breeding colors such as red, yellow, orange, green, blue and black can be found in the present ornamental aquatic markets. All Neocaridina shrimps in various colors are completely identical in terms of care requirement, some of which are:
- Red cherry
- Fired red
- Red rili
- Yellow rili
- Yellow golden
- Blue dream
- Blue diamond
- Orange
All images on this website belong to the Adak collection.
Color purity is the main factor in the quality of this shrimp. Rarely observed in home aquariums, this shrimp can grow up to 4 cm in length with common size around 3 cm. The lifespan of this species is between 1-2 years.
Suitable water parameters for keeping and breeding Neocaridina shrimps
Neocaridina shrimp with high adaptability and easy keeping requirement is a good choice for home freshwater aquariums.
The suitable water parameters for Neocaridina shrimps are tabulated below:
NH4, NH3
Suitable aquarium for keeping Neocaridina shrimp
The minimum volume of the aquarium for principled and long-term keeping of this shrimp is 40 liters, in which a group of 40 shrimp can be easily accommodated.
regarding to the volume of water in the aquarium , the density of aquatic animals , the amount of feeding and the type of filtration system, changing 10 to 30 percent of water on a weekly basis is the best way to keep water parameters stable. Of course, the water used for this purpose should be prepared in advance and chlorine-free.
Keep in mind that Neocaridina shrimp are very sensitive to copper sulfate containing drugs and compounds, as it is highly toxic and deadly to shrimp. In addition to their genetic characteristics, the color of Neocaridina shrimp is influenced by many other factors such as water conditions, type of nutrition and stress level. Therefore, by controlling these factors, you can have shrimp with beautiful and bright colors. Aquarium setup also affects the color of shrimps. It is better to have dark substrate, shrimp gravel or shrimp sand.
These shrimps are not very obsessed with the choice of foods and accept most aquarium fish and shrimp foods. They can feed on plant and animal resources (omnivores), but one of the main food sources of Neocaridina shrimp are bacterial coatings and microorganisms and algae in aquariums.
The Java moss, along with pieces of aquarium-treated refined wood in their living environment, will provide a good source of food for the Neocaridina shrimp. To supply the minerals needed for shrimp, small pieces of mineral stones must be placed in the aquarium.
At certain timesteps, shrimps peel. Empty shells should not be removed from the aquarium since they feed from these shells as valuable sources of minerals.
Neocaridina shrimp are active , non-agressive and are not considered a threat to any aquarium fish nor plants. But they are easily hunted by larger fish. It is better to keep them in a shrimp tank so that these beautiful creatures can continue to live without feeling threatened and do not need to hide. If you want to keep shrimp in a plant aquarium with fish, make sure the fish are non-agressive and the size is such that they cannot hunt shrimp.
Neocaridina shrimp are fond of slow water flow, so keep this in mind when choosing a filter and use a filter that does not cause high and turbulent flow. In addition, the filter should have barriers against entrance of shrimps.
Neocaridina shrimp are active , non-agressive and are not considered a threat to any aquarium fish nor plants. But they are easily hunted by larger fish. It is better to keep them in a shrimp tank so that these beautiful creatures can continue to live without feeling threatened and do not need to hide. If you want to keep shrimp in a plant aquarium with fish, make sure the fish are non-agressive and the size is such that they cannot hunt shrimp.
Neocaridina shrimp are fond of slow water flow, so keep this in mind when choosing a filter and use a filter that does not cause high and turbulent flow. In addition, the filter should have barriers against entrance of shrimps.